So, what's a "ChatterHouse"?
Well, when you take a little
white farmhouse, and fill it
with three young girls who
spend their days with gypsy
horses, chickens, honeybees, fishing ponds, ducks, pecan trees, dogs & cats, hay fields, vegetable gardens, fruit trees, and wildlife... at the end of the day, you have a house full of chatter!
We are the Millwood family, and we feel blessed beyond measure to be living inside of the Hucks' Family Farm in a quiet little town in coastal South Carolina.
We're living our dream of raising our children in the country where we value family, hard work and our faith in Jesus Christ. All of these things are the foundation of our business, which is raising top-quality traditional style gypsy horses, with excellent conformation, bone, hair, and most of all- the quiet gentle temperament these horses are known for.
Take a peek at the farm through these pages, or come see us in person! Visitors welcome by appointment.